Up-Potting Using Recycled Plastic Containers
  • April 7, 2012
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Up-Potting Using Recycled Plastic Containers

Instead of simply throwing away (or recycling) our empty yogurt, cottage cheese or sour cream containers, we’ve been using them to up pot our seedlings while waiting for warmer weather 🙂

All you have to do is poke a couple of holes in the bottom of the container to allow for drainage!  If you want to get crafty, you can use paints to make your “pots” look a little nicer, too.  Oh!  You can also use the container’s old lid underneath your new pot to catch any draining water when you water your seedlings.

The best part is, we can re-use our new pot indefinitely!  These are already on year #2 🙂

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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


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  2. GirlRural.com

    I’ve been saving all year for just this purpose. It’s amazing how many pots one can save in a year!

    1. Bee Girl

      Yay! Absolutely! 🙂 It really does add up when you actually look at how many of those little guys we use over the course of a year. The scary thing is…how many have been thrown away over that same year by how many other people???

  3. SunnyBeachJewelryGarden

    Yes! I just wanted to start saving those plastic earlier in winter. I do not have enough!

    1. Bee Girl

      Yeah…I’ve run into period when there weren’t enough. Somehow it seems to come in waves! Glad you’re saving them, tough!!!

  4. Sarah

    I do this too, I hate buying plastic pots when we have so many from our food already 🙂

    1. Bee Girl

      It really is amazing how many plastic containers you can accumulate in a short periods of time, isn’t it!? I’m so glad you up-cycle them, too 🙂

  5. Allison at Novice Life

    I do this 🙂 And WOW. your maters look great — mine look like a wimpy little sprout compared to this!

    1. Bee Girl

      Thanks, Allison! I’ve actually almost run out of room for the tomatoes on the grow light shelves :-/ I’m experimenting with sowing dates and I think I may have started a bit early on some them! Anyhow, I’m glad to hear that you re-use your plastic containers, too!!! Cheers!

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