Environmental Education - Reuniting Kids w/ Nature

Reuniting Kids w/ Nature – Climb a Tree!


Sturdy shoes, weather appropriate clothing, permission.


As long as you want!


  1. Find a nice, sturdy, healthy tree with lots of thick branches and begin climbing it!
  2. It doesn’t matter how far up you go ( as long as you’re being safe), just climb up there and observe the world…observe how you feel, how the bark feels.
  3. Relax, enjoy and get done’ safely as soon as you’re ready.


  • How is your perspective different while up in the tree?
  • Bring your Nature Journal and draw a picture of the world you see from ground level, then draw it from your raised perspective.
  • Always let a grown-up know that you will be outside and what you’ll be doing and always use both hands while climbing your tree 🙂
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One comment on “Reuniting Kids w/ Nature – Climb a Tree!

  1. I love this because it’s so simple… and something I enjoyed doing as a child.

    These posts always make me thankful for the nature that is so readily available for my children and I to explore. Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

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