Everything Else

Rough Patch

Sometimes I wonder if, in this space, it’s better to keep things positive, pretty and inspirational…even when things aren’t positive, pretty or inspirational.

In general, I tend to stay away from personal stories so as to keep them…well…personal.  And I generally try my best to stay away from negativity in all of it’s forms so as to not feed it (you know, starve it and it might get mad, but it’ll eventually go away).

This week, however…this week has been a rough one…a week full of day after day of growing pains and tears, fear, hope and uncertainty…and in the middle of all of it lies the longing for everything to just get better/straighten itself out/be so much less painful/go back to comfortable.  And yet, here I am, writing these words with a heavy heart and the knowledge that the happenings of this week have left me undeniably broken with no real understanding of how these pieces will be put back together again (or if the remaining cracks will ever be filled).

The truth is, I have absolute trust in the idea, the knowing, that everything happens just as it should, regardless of how painful or uncomfortable the process may be at any given moment.  So, my faith, my understanding, my 36 years navigating this planet, tell me to breathe, to trust, to be kind to myself and to keep my head up as best I can because, truly, this too shall pass.

And no, none of this has anything to do with urban farming or homesteading or chickens or sprouts or cherry blossoms, but I am not quite sure how to write about those things right now, so I offer these words as a brief explanation and as a way to hold the hold the space until I feel as though I can write about those things again.    And I will, and probably soon, because no matter how disruptive or painful some experiences can be, life does go on (and the chickens must be fed and the sprouts must be watered) and there is beauty to be found in all of it.  Eventually.


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5 Comments on “Rough Patch

  1. Melissa, I’m sorry things have not been going well, but as you said, we must have faith that the Universe is unfolding as it should. You will make it through this, just as the sure as those chickens will provide eggs and just as certain as those beautiful sprouts turn into the promise of the future.

    Big hugs to you from both of us in Texas. We’ll all be here for you if/when you are ready.

  2. As someone going through her own rough patch at present I’m grateful for your reminder that this too will pass, as all hard experiences eventually do.

    Sending you some autumnal sunshine and birdsong from here in NZ.

  3. Your pain is apparent, Melissa.

    Hold on to your absolute trust – it will strengthen you in those dark hours. We’ll be here, if, and when, you want to share your pain, and we’ll try to help in whatever small way we can.

    Head up, shoulders back, take a deep breath – and another one – and then focus on those beautiful spring blossoms, for they signify new life after adverse conditions. Take care.

  4. Whatever you are going through know that your friends (virtual and real-life) as well as your family hold in high esteem and will support you regardless of the challenges life presents. You are in my thoughts 🙂

  5. Having been through several rough patches myself the past year, I can say I believe your trust in things happening for a reason, is well placed. It has been for me, despite feeling searing pain in certain moments. The beauty of having the chickens, the sprouts, all of it, is that at some point, when the dust settles, those things provide blessed perspective and peace to those of us who enjoy them. Wishing you calm and happily clucking chickens. Cheers, Jenni

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