Grow - Harvest

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

This is try #2…something funny happened on the way to posting this today…everything I wrote turned out in weird Computer-Speak once posted!  I am hopeful this time will be better!

Anyhow…I was out of town most of last week attending Orientation at Prescott College (hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s back to school I go).  Thankfully, Tool Lady did all the harvesting, weight tracking, and picture taking!

The garden is continuing to wind down and things are starting to die back.  There are still lots of tomatoes coming in (Italian Heirloom, Brandywines, Romas, Big Boys, tons of cherries and even a few Yellow Taxis…still!) and a few more winter squash ripening up on their vines!  I am patiently awaiting the day when we can break into our potato containers and assess the (hopeful) bounty!  Until then, I think things will continue to just trickle in.

You know it’s a good apple when it’s already half gone before it even makes it through the front door!

Beautiful blue corn!

Why are heirloom tomato bottom so funny looking?

Acorn, honey boat delicata and butternut squash.  
This weeks totals:
Tomatoes = 6 pounds 

Bush Beans = 8 ounces

Butternut Squash = 2 pounds 2 ounces
Acorn Squash = 2 pounds 9 ounces
Summer (regular ol’) Squash = 8 ounces
Honey Boat Delicata Squash = 4 ounces

Blue Corn = 3 pounds 1 ounce

Apples = 2 pounds 14 ounces
TOTAL OF 12 pounds 4 ounces!!!

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she’s harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting!


Hope you all have a fantastic day!

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8 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Nice looking harvest! My tomatoes this year were a disappointment. Yours sound like they gave you an abundant supply of tomatoes!

  2. That blue corn is astounding! I would love to see a post on what you end up doing with it. 🙂

  3. Very nice harvest! It’s funny, we were away this week too. Tool girl takes great pics. I look forward to seeing your potato harvest.

  4. Madame C and Emily – Thank you! It’s our first year growing it and I’m super excited about it 🙂

    Dave – Blue corn can be eaten fresh if you eat it when it’s really young. we are planning on trying to grind it up…a new experience for us!

  5. My goodness! That blue corn looks absolutely fantastic! I have never seen blue corn before:)
    Take care,

  6. Your corn is now bluer than blue. Is this eaten fresh or dried? My only experience with blue corn is in blue corn tortillas.

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