Grow - Harvest

Harvest Monday

Happy Labor Day everyone!

This week brought us a bit of diversity in the form of the first winter squash!!!  I have been biting my nails in anticipation and just couldn’t take it any more!  There are still several ripening on their vines, but here’s the first peek!!!

I also harvested the first radishes that I planted super late in a couple of pots in the back yard.  They’re a little funny looking, but are super tasty (and spicy)!

More beans, more tomatoes, more lemon cukes, a single squash and…what’s that?  Our very first brandywine!!!  YAY!  It was delicious!!!

Since we’re rolling in the cherry tomatoes, I’ve been eating lots, drying a few and freezing a few more.  Fish Girl literally laughed at me when she opened the freezer and found these guys freezing up on the shelf.  She thinks I’m a weirdo, but she’ll be happy when it’s snowing outside and we have a bit of summer on our plates!

Here’s a glimpse of the last harvest from one of our patches our bush beans…there were even a couple of snap peas hiding in the bunch!  These guys got pulled out to make room for some fall plantings.

This weeks totals:
Tomatoes = 9 pounds 4 ounces

Bush Beans = 3 pounds 4 ounces

Lemon Cucumber = 1 pound 1 ounces
Jalapenos = 2 ounces
Radishes = 2 ounces
Honey Boat Delicata Squash = 1 pound 2 ounces
Acorn Squash = 2 pounds 10 ounces
Summer (regular ol’) Squash = 8 ounces
TOTAL OF 20 pounds 1 ounce!!!
Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she’s harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting!


Hope you all have a fantastic day!

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6 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Dave-I have not yet roasted cherry tomatoes! BUT, now that I have your yummy recipe, I will HAVE to! Thanks for that!

    Allison-Thank you! Did you not plant any this year? This is my first year venturing beyond butternut…it’s very exciting!

    Shawn Ann-Sorry about your SVBs. No fun! You still have enviable harvests, though!

    Jody-The green and white striped squash is Honey Boat Delicata and to be completely honest, I’ve NEVER tasted it! This will be a first…I was trying to step out of the box and grow something ENTIRELY new to me! I’ll let you know when we taste it…from what I’ve heard and read, it’s supposed to be delicious!

    Robin-Thank you!!!

  2. Your squash are absolutely beautiful! I really should have planted some acorn squash.

    Great harvest!

  3. I really love the acorn squash. Ours didn’t turn out so well. What kind of winter squash is the other? We’d really like to try something new next year. How does it taste?

    Congratulations on a large harvest week.

  4. Great harvest! I wish I had that winter squash!

  5. very nice squash! I wish I had gotten more, but I should be happy with what I got. SVBs were just terrible this year. Destroyed about everything. That is a lot of cherry tomatoes! I know the feeling trying to figure out what to do with them!

  6. Nice crop of squash. And you do have a lot of tomatoes! Have you ever tried sauteed cherry tomatoes? Just toss them in butter or olive oil a few minutes until they are warm and soften a little, but not until they split or the skins loosen. You can season them with a little tarragon or chopped basil or other herb, or add a splash of balsamic vinegar. It’s an easy and fast side dish that uses up a lot of those tomatoes.

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