
Distraction Crop Turned Snack

What do you do with a failed cauliflower turned distraction crop when it’s just freaking you out too much to stay in the front yard???  You put it in the chicken coop in the backyard and give the ladies a tasty, protein rich snack!

Mmmmm…yummy aphids!!!

I haven’t taken a picture of the empty bucket that remains, but trust me, it’s empty.  In my laziness, I haven’t removed the bucket, but the ladies are happily using it for dirt baths 🙂

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2 Comments on “Distraction Crop Turned Snack

  1. I’ve found that the damage the chickens do under the trees isn’t too bad…it’s the bulbs in the flower beds that pay for all that scratching!!!

  2. That’s a great idea. Our chickens dirt bath under our peach trees. It can’t be good for the trees.

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