Everything Else

A Short Trip & a Lot of Dreams

At the end of each summer (in the break between Summer Camp and After School) we take a little trip to decompress from the madness of it all.  This year we were lucky enough to be given free range over an acquaintances home in Chama (about a 2 hour drive from home).  Not only was the house tucked away, clean and cozy, but it sat on 184 acres.  Yep, you read that right.  184 acres.  No joke.  Holy hell.  It was like heaven.  No people, no cars, no screaming kids (or parents).  Just me, Tool Lady, Fish Girl and the dogs.  Open fields, a stream, ponds to play in, wildflowers.  Heaven.

The property flanked both sides of the little road…

Fish Girl, immediately in the water.  She can’t help it.

Best hammock EVER


Is it a stream?  Or a river?  Whatever, it’s more water!!!

Wild turkey feather?

My view from the grass 🙂

Tool Lady with Mika (in the boat) and Mr. (swimming around the boat)

Best snack ever: Guacamole and salsa (made with all our home grown tomatoes)!

Sunset reflected on the east mountains, and again into one of the ponds.  Beautiful.

Fish Girl in her new favorite spot!

I collected lots of wild flower seeds!  Five (I’m missing one in this pic) to put in a corner of the garden for next year!

Mr. was very curious all the time.  He chased lots of rabbits, deer, birds, and ground squirrels.

Mika explored a little on her own and tried to not get too much nature on her 😉

Wild Morning Glories?  I think this is what’s growing with our chives in the front yard!
Our little trip reminded us of the fact that we really, really, really want to own a piece of property that is NOT right in the middle of a city.  Don’t get me wrong, we love our little house, but we’ve always known this wasn’t going to be our “forever” house.  When we moved in 4 years ago, we promised to be here for 5 years and while I don’t foresee us going anywhere in the next year, let alone the next few years, we are coming up with our next 5 year (ish) plan.  
The main part of said plan: own property NOT right in the middle of the city.  Where that property might be, who knows?!  Here in New Mexico?  Somewhere in Missouri?  Colorado?  Your guess is as good as mine, but here are the current items on our wish list for our dream property:
  • 5 acres, minimum
  • Lots of tall trees
  • Water (streams, ponds and/or a lake)
  • Rural/away from any big city
  • Space for a huge veggie garden, chickens, bees, a few goats and maybe a milking cow or two
What are your garden/home/property dreams???
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