
Rain & Some Hail Damage

Last night, as we sat on our upstairs porch, we could see the storm blowing in.  When it hit, it hit hard with crazy winds, lots of rain and some hail.

I am super grateful for the rain…we’ve been so dry this year, it’s been a little scary.  The hail, however, I could do without.  I think the garden will be OK since it’s established and healthy, but some of it looked a little sad this morning.

Holes in all the pole beans leaves

The potatoes are all knocked down and most of the stems are broken

Not so glorious morning glories…
The bush beans got trashed too…
The baby broccoli sprouts are pretty wounded…
Sliced corn…
Even the sunflowers took a beating.

Of course, all the squash and pumpkins were beat up, too…I just got tired of taking pictures of my battered garden.  The butternut squash actually looks bruised where it got whacked by the hail.  I’m hoping it’s skin is tough enough already for it not to affect the flesh inside.

By some miracle, it doesn’t appear that a single one of our tomatoes were damaged!

And on a bright note, every one of our rain barrels is full.  Completely full!

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