
Pecking Order

It’s official!  Our Newbies are laying!!!  Yesterday we got 6 eggs from 7 chickens!!!  We are so incredibly excited!!!
The one downside to this whole thing is that one of our Newbies hasn’t figured out that you need to leave the Originals alone when they’re trying to lay.  It’s not a party, it’s a private thing.
Tool Lady found this Newbie in a nesting box with one of the Originals the other day.  She was cowering in the corner trying to lay her egg along-side the Original.
Why was she cowering?  Well, she had been pecked.  Hard.  Right on her little comb.  Ouch!  Can you see the scab?

Maybe you can see it better in this shot?

Poor thing.  It bled for a while, but is healing up nicely now.
I think she learned her lesson, though.  I found her waiting her turn for the nesting box yesterday (even though we have 4 boxes, they all like to lay in the same one). 
Silly chickens!

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