
Harvest Monday!!!

This has been exciting week in Harvest Land for us!  We’ve finally gotten some color in the mix!!!

Snap Peas (Round Two) = 14 peas (almost a whole ounce!)

At the beginning of last week, our beet bed was full…

Then, after I harvested every other beet, it looked like this…

Beet total = 4 pounds 9 ounces!!!

Basil = 11 leaves (not even measurable on the scale)

Carrots = 4 oz.

Kale = 1 pound

Mint = 4 ounces (this is a guess…we harvested leaves throughout the week to add to water and tea, plus we cut 10 sprigs to give as gifts to my dad and my brother)

TOTAL for the week = 6 pounds, 2 ounces!!!

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she’s harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting, as well!

Happy harvesting!!!

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11 Comments on “Harvest Monday!!!

  1. Villager-AGREED!

    The Sage Butterfly-Thank you for reminding me about freezing my herbs! I seem to always forget that option!

    Daphne-I love the color, too! There’s something super exciting about variety and while I love regular ol’ orange carrots, I think the purple Dragons are my new favorite!

    Thyme2garden-the purple carrots are Dragons and the yellow are Yelllow Stone, though the yellow have historically not done very well for me. I think I’ll stick with the Dragons from now on 😉

    Brie-How are your beets? I’m excited to hear how many beets fit into your square foot!!! I thought I’d waited too long as well (just pulled the last of the beets yesterday), but only one was…well…a little funky…

  2. Yahoo! Way to go! I am about to pull a square foot of beets, but worried that I waited too long to get them.

  3. Beautiful harvest! What variety of carrots are you growing? I’m growing some kaleidoscope mix, and I think our red ones look like yours, although mine are still smaller than yours.

  4. What beautiful carrots. This year I’m growing Purple Haze in addition to my normal carrots. I love the color.

  5. It is hard to weigh some of those herbs, but it sure is nice to have them for use in the kitchen.

    Lovely beets and carrots, so colorful. It must be getting near lunch time because they are making me hungry!

  6. Thanks everyone! The joys of growing our own veggies never ceases to amaze me! I wanted to add some carrots to a stir fry I was making and so I went out to check the status of some of the carrots. They’re still a little small, but tasted wonderful! I pulled every other one to create space for those that are still growing 😉

    @RandomGardener-I never even thought about making a beet and carrot jam! That sounds fantastic! Do you have a recipe you’re willing to share???

  7. Nice harvest! Those carrots look amazing. They are one of the vegetables that I just cannot grow, so I oooh and ahhh over anyone that can.

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