
Garden Happiness(es)

The beginnings of a jalapeno!

This bed is 4 feet wide & the fence behind it is 6 feet tall.  This means, officially, that our tomatoes are out of control.

Buddha hanging out with the blue corn .

How can something so green bring one so much happiness???

Bush snap pea

Another bush snap pea (flower).  They’re just so pretty!

The first sunflower!!!!!

Lettuce figuring out how to go to seed

Snap peas, beets. spinach, carrots & beet greens from our garden
Turnips, onions, garlic scrapes & cabbage form our CSA
It all made for a fantastically yummy (and super healthy) stir fry!

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3 Comments on “Garden Happiness(es)

  1. Thanks Allison!!!

    Brie-We DO have problems with hornworms up here! I have found 4 so far. I’m sure there are more, I just haven’t found them in that jungle yet!!! Tool Lady read that they won’t hurt the tomatoes, they just eat the leaves, and if your plants are “healthy enough” they’ll survive the onslaught. Not sure that I care…I think they’re gross and make a tasty snack for the chickens so I don’t wait around to see if the tomatoes are “healthy enough” 😉

  2. WOW! Look at that bed! Do you have problems with the hornworm up north? Damn, they can decimate my tomatoes overnight if I don’t keep my death scissors handy.

  3. Happy Gardening 🙂 Your tomatos look GREAT!

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