
Harvesting Garlic

Last November we planted our very first round of garlic!  Don’t ask me what kind it was, because I am honestly not sure…all I know is that it was the good kind.  We simply went to the farmers market, found a nice big organic head, purchased it, brought it home, broke it apart and stuck it in one of our covered wagons to be over wintered.

It grew beautifully until a couple of weeks ago when its tops started dying down.  On June 9th, I bent all the tops down to let it all rest for a couple of weeks.  On June 11th, I got nervous because I kept reading that our garlic shouldn’t be ready until July, so I dug one of the heads up to investigate…it was little, but happy and fully formed into an actual head of garlic!

Then, after ceasing to water them in order to let them rest for about 2 weeks, on June 22nd, we dug them all up and set them on the wire racks in our pantry to cure for a couple of weeks.

In total, we harvested 1 whole pound of garlic (16 heads)!!!

Now, what will we do with all this garlic?  Store some, make some fresh garlic powder and keep some to plant again in the fall!

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One comment on “Harvesting Garlic

  1. Looks like great harvest! I am excited to try growing garlic this fall.

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