
Harvest Monday

This weeks Harvest Monday, hosted by Daphne consists of lots of green (yes, again…I’m practicing my patience this spring).

Spinach = 1 lb 14 oz

Kale = 1 lb 13 oz

Snap Peas = 1 oz

The snap peas are the most exciting news of the week because I just love them so much!!!  There were also several peas that we ate off the vine before I actually “harvested” them, so those fractions of ounces are not included in the above number. I have a sneaking suspicion that these will disappear very quickly!

What did I do with all the spinach & kale?  I preserved it all!!!

Some of the spinach is already starting to go to seed and since my second planting of it seems a bit delayed this year (and my third planting just went in the ground yesterday), I just might have to go without for a bit.

Happy harvesting!!!

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4 Comments on “Harvest Monday

  1. Thanks Barbie & Shawn Ann!

    Daphne, I know right?! I eat at least one for every two or three I harvest! It’s real problem 😉

  2. I harvested my first snowpeas yesterday. whoot! Well except the ones that didn’t make it out of the garden. It is hard to keep my hands off the peas.

  3. I didn’t have enough spinach to keep. It all got used. Maybe in the fall. You’re doing pretty good!

  4. Beatuiful spinach. At least with it preserved you’ll still be able to use some while you wait for the next batch to fill in.

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