
Garden Happiness(es)

Massive, over-wintered spinach (in one of the now uncovered wagons)
The massive spinach is now starting to go to seed…finally!

Baby spinach in a pot on the front porch to replace the massive spinach once I pull it all out 🙂

Here we have lettuce and arugula which was planted in the bed right outside the front door.  The lettuce is looking good, but the arugula is already going to seed.  This is an experiment gone wrong.  Last year lettuce and spinach did very well in this bed since it almost never gets any sun (it sits beneath a tree and the angle of the sun is never quite right to reach it) so I thought I’d try arugula.  Oh well…I pulled it all last weekend and put in some more spinach seed…yay for spinach!
Something is eating the heads off of my seedlings.  These two are watermelon, one completely decapitated, the second is half decapitated.  Whatever it is has also attacked the squash, zucchini and beans.  Not all is lost though, we still have a few survivors.

This is a cabbage that got lost in one of the wagons last winter.  It got hidden under all the kale and barely survived.  We transplanted it out and it, too, has been eaten by the invisible monster.  What you can’t really see in this picture is that there is a second cabbage baby that has popped up behind the original (new green vs. grey-green).  Maybe there is hope after all!

I love, love, love snap peas!  They are yummy AND beautiful!  What more could you want?!?

Several of my tomatoes are flowering!  I am especially proud of these  ladies this year since I started them all from seed directly in one of the covered wagons!

Another shot of a few of my tomatoes which are inter-planted with dragon carrots and basil!
Over-wintered kale that is still producing nicely…
This is our 4X6 bed which is currently the Tomatoes Plus bed.  It still holds the over-wintered kale (as seen in one of the above pics) and lettuce that we are waiting on to go to seed as well as all the tomatoes (also seen in the above pics), lemon cucumbers, bell peppers, jalapenos, carrots and basil that have gone in the spring.  It’s looking kind of spotty, but overall, I’m pleased with its progress!

The potatoes are finally peeking!!!  These are German Butterballs in recycled kiddie pools in the back yard.

This is a bucket of red potatoes that were planted well after the Butterballs but were sprouting like crazy when we put them in.  They peeked above ground about the same time as the Butterballs
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