Bees & Pollinators

Bee Update

Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt – marvelous error! – 
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my past mistakes.
~Antonio Machado

Well, it’s been a week since we received our bees and we decided it was time to check on them.  You know…make sure they are happy and the queen is among us…

The bees have been very active over the past week!  Coming & going & going & coming…

We lit up our smoker, just in case they got frustrated with our presence…and our messing with their new home!

Immediately we could see that they had eaten their queen form her cage, accepted their new home and have already started building their comb!

Comb Number 2!!!

Comb Number 3!  Look at that yummy honey!  They are already themselves!!!  They sure are busy bees 😉

Comb Number 4!

In total we saw 5 combs in the process of being built.  We decided not to look any further at the risk of pissing off our very calm and seemingly happy bees!

Our goal is to practice backwards beekeeping which lets bees create their own comb and involves not using any chemicals or treatments that might (will) harm the bees in the long run.  You just let bees be bees.  The only backward beekeeping method we have not used is capturing our own (wild) swarm.  We figured that, as newbies, we’d be better served to leave the capturing to later dates.


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