spring fever

3 articles

Muscovy Ducklings!

Our March ducklings have officially arrived! Kitty, having sat on her clutch for the last 36 days straight (except for a few breaks to stretch her legs on the warmest days), was finally able to see her ducklings this morning! Knowing the day was near (we actually thought they'd hatch yesterday), we've been keeping a close watch on her behavior…

Kitty’s Clutch of Twelve

I finally got some good photos of Kitty's clutch of 12 eggs and wanted to share them with you here! Such a good, protective mama she is, and all settled into Ricky's shelter where she'll wait patiently for her ducklings to grow and hatch. Because last weekend was so warm, she spent a good amount of time off the clutch,…

Fresh Air & Sunshine

Our White Leghorn and Ameraucana pullets recently made the move from the brooder to a portion of the coop and it's been so much fun watching them explore, scratch around, and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air! We have eight of each and it's hilarious to watch how skittish the Leghorns are and how they then scare the others with…