chick brooder

2 articles
Transitional (Chick) Housing

Transitional (Chick) Housing

Our newest set of Newbies has officially been moved into their outdoor brooder and are very happy for it.  I think our indoor brooder was getting a little too cramped for them because they have been incredibly busy meeting the neighbors, pecking around, giving themselves dirt baths and exploring their new digs. They have their own water, food and a heat lamp…
Brooders – Versions 1 & 2

Brooders – Versions 1 & 2

When we got our first batch of chickens 2 years ago, we really had no clue what we were doing.  We got 5 Ameracaunas thinking that we'd wind up with 3 (after looking at statistics we found online we thought that maybe 1 would be a rooster and maybe 1 would die). We kept the chicks in a big cardboard…