Search Results For “harvest monday”

136 results
Farm Photo Friday – Five

Farm Photo Friday – Five

Happy Friday (er...Saturday!) and Welcome to our Fifth edition of Farm Photo Friday! Yes, I really am *so behind on everything that even my monthly post is a day behind! Geez...maybe things will settle down a bit after the wedding?! Maybe! In the meantime... July absolutely flew by bringing with it a few harvests, lots of growth in the garden, a…
Mint Sugar & Mint Extract

Mint Sugar & Mint Extract

Got mint? sure is prolific, isn't it?! So, when thinking about DIY gifts for this year's gift series and my first intention to pull as many ingredients as possible from our garden before going elsewhere to source items, of course mint came to mind! Now, I've dried mint in the past and kept it for tea during the cold…
Local Bite Challenge (An Introduction)

Local Bite Challenge (An Introduction)

We live in a time that allows us to ship exotic items from all corners of the earth to our local grocery stores and sometimes even to our doorstep.  While this is convenient, fun and delicious, it hasn’t always been this way.  For thousands of years, we were limited to eating the items that could be sourced locally.  Not only…
The Benefits of Urban Farming

The Benefits of Urban Farming

It seems as though Urban Farming is one of those things that more and more people are catching on to.  A few years ago, when I would talk to people in our community about our chickens and bees and all of the veggie beds we were building, more often than not I would be looked at either in confusion or…
Urban Gardening – The Basics

Urban Gardening – The Basics

If you'd asked me a decade ago if I'd be writing a post on urban gardening I might have laughed out loud, and yet here I am now.  Who knew? Growing up, my mom always had a tomato plant or a few carrots or herbs growing in some patch of soil.  She had the greenest thumb and could really make…

Sprout in the Garden – Reflections on Growth and Change

This girl of ours, who we lovingly call Sprout, seems to have a soft spot in her heart for the outdoors. From sitting with the chickens to reading about the all the things you can grow, harvest and eat in the garden to going for a short walk, Sprout just smiles and talks and laughs about it the whole time.…