So much…

I thought I’d pop in for a brief HELLO so you didn’t think I’d gone and disappeared on you!

Trust me, the quiet in this space is not due to a lack of activity…

It’s the exact opposite, actually…

There is truly so much happening…

And it’s really all so good…

I just haven’t had more than a few minutes to catch my breathe between family and work and baby goats and ducklings and chickens and turkeys and getting the entire garden put in and preparing to leave my current job and start a new one this week and sleep and sustenance and everything in between…

And so, I will have to have you over for coffee this weekend so we can catch up.

In the meantime, though, I hope you are doing wonderfully and are happy and enjoying each and every minute of every day!

Be well, friends!  I’ll see you on the other side of this crazy week 🙂


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm