I’d like to formally introduce you to…

I’d like to formally introduce you to…

Red & Kitty 🙂

Muscovy Ducks - Red and Kitty

Muscovy Ducks - Kitty and Red

Muscovy Drake - Red

Muscovy Duck - Kitty

Since we’ve officially decided to keep our two Muscovy ducks as a mating pair into the foreseeable future, we have decided to give them names!

(You know, unlike all of our other poultry that don’t get names because they have a greater potential to become dinner either by intention or necessity.)

And, so, in keeping with the T.V. sitcom theme we began with Lucy and Ethel, we’ve decided to call these two lovely ducks Red & Kitty!

(Yes, after Red & Kitty from That 70’s Show!)

With her sweet nature and his soft hearted yet super protective nature, plus his very red face, it seemed like a good fit 🙂


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


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    1. Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

      Thanks 🙂 they’re such a sweet couple…you know, when he’s not all puffed up and wagging his tail in protection 😉

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